about this

Hello, i'm Joaquin (Alias dashlet). Yeah thats an old picture of me on the right. I like that one a lot.
Anyways, the purpose of this website is to archive various files and information related to videogame mods i worked on, or things of the same vein. I also write some blog posts every now and then.
I always had interest in videogames. Not just playing them, but also the history behind them and how they are developed.
Determinated that i wanted to work as a game dev, i started modding and designing levels for games such as Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Super Mario World and later on DOOM.
Currently i'm working on a 3D platformer inspired by Jumpwad using Unity. I've been doing this in order to teach myself the engine, but also because i have created a team conformed by people of my university.
Aside from that i've been on the internet for a long time. Tried many things, usually related to games like speedrunning, youtube videos, online servers administration, competitive tf2, etc.
Lastly i'm from Argentina, so sorry if you find any spelling mistakes ;P.